A SPLASH of Color

by Steve Templetoon
A SPLASH of Color
Steve Templetoon
Digital Art - Digital Photograph
With their vibrant mixture of blue, green, yellow, and red, the male Painted Bunting seems to have flown straight out of a child’s coloring book! These birds are actually quite shy, and I see the female bunting 10 times as often as I see the males. This male gracefully lighted in my Texas bird bath on a blistering hot day in May, and after quenching his thirst, couldn't resist having a bath to cool down. I wanted to present a sequence of pictures to capture his bathing process, so I compiled these three images together in post processing to create "A Splash of Color"
May 23rd, 2022
Comments (1)

Sharon W
Ohh this is just wonderful!! We do not have such colorful birds here, but I have tried to capture our birds in the bath here, it is not easy!! Well done!!
Steve Templetoon replied:
Thanks! If I sit still long enough, they get used to me and will visit the bath. It might have helped that they were pretty desperate, as the temperature was in excess of 100 degrees.