Tiberius Across the Sea of Galilee
Steve Templeton
American Beautyberry Shrub
Steve Templeton
Bluebonnets Texas Style
Steve Templeton
Calla Lillies x 3
Steve Templeton
Foggy Tunnel
Steve Templeton
Someone's Backyard
Steve Templeton
Bug on a Bulb in Living Color
Steve Templeton
The Crossing
Steve Templeton
Painted Sheep
Steve Templeton
Sunflower #1
Steve Templeton
Purple Aster
Steve Templeton
Calla Lillies x 5 Black and White
Steve Templeton
They Come in White Too
Steve Templeton
Urban Beauty
Steve Templeton
Bug on a Bulb
Steve Templeton
Blackfoot Daisy #2 Black and White
Steve Templeton
Tufted Titmouse
Steve Templeton
Calla Lillies x 5
Steve Templeton
Blackfoot Daisy
Steve Templeton
French Sunflowers
Steve Templeton
Blackfoot Daisy #2
Steve Templeton
Sun Striped Valley
Steve Templeton
Tiny Waterfalls
Steve Templeton
Barn Swallow
Steve Templeton
Cherries by the Bucketful-Digital Art
Steve Templeton
Roses, Roses, and More Roses-Digital Art
Steve Templeton
Calla Lillies x 6 Black and White
Steve Templeton
Autumn Arch
Steve Templeton
Paintbrushes and Bluebonnets
Steve Templeton
Roosting Time
Steve Templeton
Solitary Monarch
Steve Templeton
Roses, Roses, and More Roses
Steve Templeton
Bloomin' Yucca
Steve Templeton
Dry Locked Canoe
Steve Templeton
Irish Valley With Trekkers
Steve Templeton
Water Runs Downhill
Steve Templeton
Can you say, Awww....
Steve Templeton
Steve Templeton
Purple Passion Flower
Steve Templeton
Barn Swallow Black and White
Steve Templeton
Solo Painted Bunting
Steve Templeton
Bluebonnets Texas Style-Digital Art
Steve Templeton
Foggy Tunnel in Black and White
Steve Templeton
Adonis Blue Butterfly
Steve Templeton
Corn Circle near Sunset
Steve Templeton
Northern Cardinal
Steve Templeton
Calla Lillies x 6
Steve Templeton
Calla Lillies x 6 Inverted
Steve Templeton
Sunlight Play on Meadows
Steve Templeton
Pocket Meadow
Steve Templeton
Black Swallowtail Posing
Steve Templeton
Prickly Pear Blooms
Steve Templeton
Cherries by the Bucketful
Steve Templeton
Canopy for Cars
Steve Templeton
Corn Circle Black and White
Steve Templeton
The Destination
Steve Templeton
Peat Streaks
Steve Templeton
Purple Passion
Steve Templeton
Purple Passion Flower Black and White
Steve Templeton
Spider Lily
Steve Templeton
Reflection of a Sandpiper
Steve Templeton
Sunflower #1 Black and White
Steve Templeton
Sunflower #2
Steve Templeton
Pot of Color
Steve Templeton
The Crossing-Painted
Steve Templeton
Purple Passion Black and White
Steve Templeton
Bluebonnet Farm
Steve Templeton
Male Pheasant in the Field
Steve Templeton
Long Road Home
Steve Templeton
The Broadmoor
Steve Templeton
Cactus Guard
Steve Templeton